Functions of Richmond Hill Real Estate Agent

11/06/2013 10:00
By a simple definition, an agent is a person who looks after someone’s property or run a business on their behalf. However, there are common functions which are performed mostly by estate agents which many people do not know yet. Here are the core functions performed by Richmond Hill Real Estate Agent. One is the price estimation of your property. Many property agents will first estimate the price of your property before they start looking for a potential customer to buy it. They know all the happenings in the market currently and will thus come up with appropriate price for your property. The second function is the showing of your property to potential customers. Your property must have all that a customer is seeking so that it can be purchased at once. Advertising is the third activity done by agents. Here, they use all the advertising tools to ensure that your property has adequate exposure to the intended audience in a certain geographical area.
Property presentation is the fourth function of Richmond Hill real estate agent. This is simply the process of taking interested customer to your property to see it and its strongholds. This step is important because it will be easier to convince a customer to buy it. Selling is the fifth function of  agents. They know all the procedure that has to be followed during selling process. They will do all the paperwork to ensure that the funds are delivered to you at the end of the process. The sixth function is communication. They will communicate to customers on your behalf; they will make all the phone calls and send mails until they reach a reliable customer. The above are the main functions which are performed by any property agent or agency.